Ageing is not a choice, but looking our age can be. Many men and women are looking to ‘turn back the clocks’ on their complexion without having to resort to Botox and adapting the ‘frozen’ look. 

Thanks to advancements in technology, there are plenty of effective ways to get truly younger looking skin without having to resort to fillers or surgery.

Laser therapy is one of the most effective non-surgical options for getting more youthful looking skin. The laser light targets the top layer of the skin to stimulate the skins natural healing process, which promotes the production of collagen resulting in healthier, younger-looking skin. Laser skin rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction is clinically successful for reducing the appearance of fine lines, treating acne scars and improving overall skin texture. 

Is Laser better than Botox?

For long term results regular laser facials will prevent wrinkles from forming. For immediate results Botox will be more effective, however, does not cure the problem. 

Is Laser wrinkle reduction effective?

During laser treatments it allows the skin to resurface and remove unwanted wrinkles and fine lines. The process removes the underlying layers of the skin whilst helping to generate growth of healthy skin making it effective and long lasting.

Another non-surgical treatment in wrinkle reduction is with intense pulsed lighting (IPL). It is a cutting edge therapy that aims to treat wrinkles in an non-invasive technique, which successfully minimises wrinkles whilst replenishing the beauty of your skin. On average 1-6 treatments at 4 week intervals are needed for the best results. The level of collagen boost depends on your skin type so results do vary. Top up treatments may be needed to maintain these results. 

At the House of Laser Clinic I offer a number of non-surgical wrinkle reduction methods and skin rejuvenation treatments using laser and IPL. Contact the House of Laser Clinic to book in for a free consultation and we can discuss which treatment is best suited for you.