Sick of those ingrown hairs caused by painful waxing? Shaving becoming a chore and often leaving uncomfortable rashes? Well laser hair removal is the perfect solution for you! Laser hair removal is the most effective method of hair removal available that can be used almost anywhere on the face and body. Unlike other hair removal methods such as waxing and shaving, laser hair removal gives long lasting results. Laser hair removal treatment enables you to benefit from smooth skin, avoiding those ingrown hairs and irritation that can occur with shaving. The results are also more permanent than waxing, shaving and hair removal creams.  
Laser hair removal works by directing a concentrated beam of light at the area. The light is then absorbed by the pigment thereby damaging the hair follicular and causing destruction to the root. When the root is destroyed, it can no longer produce hair. Typically between 6 and 9 sessions are recommended to completely remove hair due to hair follicles being active in different growth cycles. 

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt and can anyone have the treatment?

Laser hair removal is fast becoming one of the safest and most effective ways to remove hair. Compared to waxing laser hair removal is painless and safer due to the side affects waxing can cause. 
At the House of Laser clinic I carry out each treatment using the latest state of the art technology laser machine from UK manufacturer AW3. The ultimate 3 in 1 V-combo Plus uses crystal freeze diode laser for super fast, pain free hair removal.

The lasers used at The House of Laser Clinic are both Alexandrite and ND yag laser heads which means I can treat darker and Asian skin types making this extremely versatile treatment. Many people may think laser hair removal is targeted at females, but in actual fact it is becoming increasingly popular in men too! 

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

– Reduces hair permanently:

Laser hair removal offers a reduction of up to 90% in hair growth. Results may vary on individual basis. Any hair that does grow back will be finer and lighter with the additional benefit of smoother skin.

– No more ingrown hairs:

Laser hair removal vastly reduces the need for shaving and waxing so you can say goodbye to ingrown hairs, saving rashes and stubble!

– Improve skin tone and texture:

Skin will appear less pigmented and uneven skin left behind from shaving will not be apparent. 

– Saves time and Money!

Invest in a course of laser hair removal and you will never have to shave or wax again!